News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
Starch set to replace all petroleum-based materials in food packaging
There will come a time when the food packaging industry will finally phase out plastic food packaging made from petroleum products due to their unhealthy effects on consumers. When that happens, an article in stated, they will need a replacement material that is cheap, sturdy, and healthier. One such substitute is a mix of starch […]
By Edsel Cook
Researchers record the most detailed atomic movie of gold melting
Most people record special events with the cameras on their smartphones. Researchers tapped one of the world’s fastest cameras to make an ultra-detailed atomic movie about the behavior of gold atoms while a laser is melting the metal, an article in Science Daily stated. Why go to such lengths? The movie provides an atomic-level view […]
By Edsel Cook
Astounding new material changes color and patterns like a chameleon
A new material created by Japanese researchers is able to change its coloration like a chameleon. This bio-inspired composite could see use in the next generation of display technology, providing a more vivid viewing experience in the future, a Science Daily article stated. Chameleons are just one of the many creatures that can change their […]
By Edsel Cook
Researchers find an elegant solution for improving the lifespan of lithium-ion batteries
Lithium-ion batteries are set to become much safer and last far longer thanks to a neat solution devised by Cornell engineers. An article in Newswise states that the innovation will revitalize this particular type of rechargeable battery, which has pretty much peaked in terms of performance. Professor Lynden Archer of Cornell University (Cornell) explained that […]
By Edsel Cook
Chemists design a new bacterial polymer that may one day replace petroleum plastics
One of the ways to solve the problem of plastic pollution is to come up with biodegradable alternatives that are made from bio-renewable resources using clean processes. Such products are usually more expensive and difficult to manufacture than petroleum-based plastics. Colorado-based researchers announced that they found a way to produce one bacterial polymer much more […]
By Edsel Cook
Interstellar space is filled with “toxic grease” that would make future space travel very difficult, say researchers
Manned spacecraft better pack windshield wipers when they venture out of the solar system and into interstellar space. An article in The Daily Mail Online reported that the void between the stars are filled with greasy carbon dust that is toxic to life despite being made of the same element as organic life. This dust […]
By Edsel Cook
New technology enables scientists to generate energy from live bacteria
Researchers have come up with a new and natural way to harvest energy from the sun. Instead of creating a more efficient solar panel or photovoltaic material, they devised a means of getting electricity from photosynthetic cyanobacteria, an article in News Wise reported. This family of microorganisms is often found in lakes, seas, and other areas that […]
By Edsel Cook
U.S. Navy wants to create a new type of “omniphobic” coating, a material that is clear, durable, can repel water and reduce friction drag
The U.S. Navy wants a slick new material that can shed any liquid or semi-liquid that comes into contact with it. When applied as a coating to the hulls of ships and submarines, the “omniphobic” material will immensely reduce friction drag, allowing the sea-going craft to travel faster without using as much energy or fuel, […]
By Edsel Cook
Spider silk is so strong that researchers can use it to improve the performance of piezoelectric nanogenerators
Spider silk is pretty strong stuff. It’s so strong, Indian and South Korean researchers are using it to create nano-scale piezoelectric generators. In an article in Nanowerk, the researchers reported getting spider silk molecules to generate an electric charge when placed under physical pressure. This was the first time a piezoelectric response has been elicited […]
By Edsel Cook
Trained bees successfully locate landmines in Croatia
The ongoing effort to detect and disarm forgotten explosives in battlefields around the world has received a new tool. Scottish researchers successfully got honeybees to sniff out old landmines in Croatia, an article on the Daily Express reported. The bees were trained to associate the smell of explosives with food. When they detected a landmine, […]
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